Davines Village

Davines Village is the new Davines headquarters just outside of Parma.

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The architectural project was signed by Matteo Thun and Luca Colombo at MTLC. It demonstrates our company values: beauty, sustainability and well-being.


Over an area of ​​77,000 square meters, the building complex covers about 11,000 square meters and includes spaces dedicated to offices, training, the Research and Development laboratory, production plant and warehouse. Developed starting with the concept of "home," the structure of the Village reinterprets the archetypes of traditional Italian houses in a contemporary way, emphasizing our family roots.

The beating heart of corporate life is a large glass structure located in the center of the complex: a luminous "greenhouse" distinguished by modern and light architecture. This is a co-working space, home to the company bistro and restaurant.

The soul of Davines is expressed through its profound value component. The virtuous architectural project that has materialized is its emblem; focuses on the well-being of those who work here and wants to represent a place where ethics and aesthetics coexist in harmonious balance. 

Davide Bollati, President




The complex is designed to express the maximum architectural transparency and it allow views of green spaces from every working area.


The stylistic definition of the interiors, done by interior designer Monica Signani, was born from the desire to combine the values ​​of participation and sharing with aesthetic enhancement.


The welcoming and personalized spaces, far from a traditional "corporate" image, refer to living spaces, where formal and aesthetic choices are reconciled with functional needs.


Scientific Garden



Beside the buildings of the Davines Village there is also the Scientific Garden, an open-air laboratory with a surface area of 3000 m² and a diameter of about 60 meters.

Inside the garden there are four areas, dedicated to different botanical categories: the Garden of Aromas, the Medical Garden, the Garden of Colors and the Garden of Perfumes.

The green areas of the Davines Village have been designed by del Buono Gazerwitz landscape architecture.


There is also room for a Greenhouse, designed and built in England in order to grow species unsuitable for the Emilian climate but functional for laboratory research.

For example, in the center of the Greenhouse there is a lemon-house, for the citrus fruits typical of the Mediterranean. In the two lateral areas find place the plants of the humid tropical zones, such as the banana tree, or the characteristic cactus of the dry tropical areas.


The scientific garden is surrounded by an Arboretum, a selection of plants from all over the world representing our international community so that cultural richness and diversity of Davines can be symbolically displayed in the Village.

Davines created a botanical garden to inspire its researchers in developing new effective and sustainable formulas.


The plants were selected in collaboration with the University of Florence, based on the scientific properties useful for the studies of the Research and Development department.

A place of "accelerated research" for the body and the mind: a space that can always be accessed to enjoy the beneficial effects of contact with the green.

The scientific garden a place of inner research, as well, which offers a possibility of deep contact with nature and a feeling of well-being.




Green Kilometer

The owners of those fields that run along the 11 km of the A1 motorway, in the Parma area, have undertaken to plant a barrier of trees, naturally designed to counteract the harmful emissions of cars.
Davines, that is one of the promoters of the project, has already completed the planting in its own area. This green belt will be finalized with the contribution of neighboring companies.

This initiative aims at stopping the pollution caused by the nearby motorway and it is based on Professor Stefano Mancuso's studies, Director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology of the University of Florence.

Single-Use Plastic Free

In the Davines Village we don't use disposable plastic. Plastic glasses, cutlery and water bottles have been replaced by glass, porcelain, steel. Davines supplied its employees with water bottles to benefit from the filtered tap water.
In addition, Davines aims to eliminate all other indirect sources of single-use plastic generation: the "vending machines" have been replaced by fresh snacks without packaging. There is no use of pods for tea, coffee or other beverages, as well.

Green Energy

100% of the electricity used in the Davines Village production site derives from renewable sources.
We abandoned the use of fossil gas, replaced by bio-methane and geothermal energy.
Davines is also working to ensure that the other Group offices around the world follow the same policy.
At the moment, 71.4% of the electricity used in foreign offices derives from renewable sources.


Our commitment

The headquarters are devoted to sustainability, waste reduction, optimization of natural resources and savings of non-renewable resources.

Our effort is also expressed through the integration of communication and control systems in order to minimize energy consumption and the use of artificial lighting.

Furthermore, the energy needs of the offices are met by 100% certified renewable sources, such as photovoltaic panels, a solar thermal system and a geothermal system.

Sustainability is also sought in everyday life: the restaurant's organic waste is repurposed for the garden using a dehydrator. Catering only uses reusable materials, and there are charging stations for electric vehicles in the parking lots.
